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Journalist & presenter seeks beauty, fashion & lifestyle news


No deadline

Contact Name:

Gina Akers

Contact Title:

Beauty, image & lifestyle broadcaster/journalist/presenter. Beauty expert for BBC & ITV. HELLO! magazine wedding & beauty blogger.
Contact Email:







A beauty, image and lifestyle journalist & presenter seeks the following for TV, radio, press and blogs:

- Beauty advent calendars - for Xmas beauty article featuring top beauty advent calendars.

- Fragrance and fragrance gifts (including home fragrance) for a Xmas gifts article and winter fragrance article.

- Must have winter coats and fashion accessories, as well as winter jumpers and boots for a winter fashion article.

- Competition Prizes/Giveaway items - Seeking fashion, beauty and lifestyle competition prizes to feature in the beauty, fashion & lifestyle pages of a regional online news title with over 300,000 page impressions from 150,000 unique users per month, also for Twitter giveaways and via social media channels.

- Outfits, shoes and accessories to wear on TV & to events etc - looking for outfits/accessories. Has regularly appeared on various ITV & BBC shows. The outfits/accessories would be considered for a new Lifestyle TV show too, also for QVC TV channel appearances.

Items will be considered for publications such as HELLO! magazine online, personal blogs, a regional online news title with over 300,000 page impressions from 150,000 unique users per month, and for a beauty and image blog for a new consumer beauty website. News may also feature across social media and other potential TV features.  Please send any relevant information to the beauty, image and lifestyle journalist & presenter directly via the link below as soon as possible.

Samples must be provided and cannot be returned. She will not use products in features or publicise anything unless she has actually tried it herself and can recommend honestly. Due to time restrictions samples cannot be returned, however all items (brands) provided will continue to be considered for future press and publicity opportunities.
Journalist & presenter seeks beauty, fashion & lifestyle news Reviewed by PR Songbird Team on 08:15 Rating: 5

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